How do I send a referral invitation?

Skillshare offers a student referral program whereby referring students receive a free month of Skillshare membership upon successful referral (the “Free Month of Membership Program”).

For more information on the Free Month of Membership Program, please see our full Terms here.

How to invite a friend through a general referral link

You can invite a friend to sign up for Skillshare membership through the Refer a Friend section of your account. To do this:

  1. Click on your profile picture icon in the top right corner of any page
  2. In the drop-down menu, click Refer a Friend
  3. A new page will appear with your individual referral link and buttons to share your referral on social media

How to invite a friend through a class referral link

Inviting a friend to Skillshare is simple! Follow these steps to send them a referral link to a specific class:

  1. Navigate to the Class: Open the class you’d like to refer to your friend.
  2. Click "Share": On the right side of the class page, click the Share button.
  3. Choose Referral Options: A pop-up window will appear with various options to share the class via a referral link.

That’s it! Your friend will be able to sign up and join the class with your referral, and they'll receive a month of Skillshare for free. You’ll receive your referral award after your friend completes their first full membership payment, so long as they don’t seek a refund afterwards.