Skillshare’s team of content moderators reviews the platform for violations to our Community Guidelines, but we also rely on our community to help keep the platform safe. Read on for what to do if you come across a Skillshare member violating our guidelines.
How to report a class
Policy violations found within classes can be reported by any Skillshare member using the ‘Report a Class’ button to the bottom right of the video player. The Skillshare team reviews every reported violation, and takes into account the frequency of reports received about a particular class or pertaining to a specific teacher. Reporting a class does not guarantee that it will be hidden, only that it will be reviewed for policy violations by our team. Please note that the ‘Report a Class’ feature should not be used to dispute transactions, provide site-related feedback, or report technical issues. For these issues, please email us at
How to report a project, class review, discussion, or comment
To report policy violations outside of a class itself, please write to with a link or screenshot of the content in question and where you came across it. Our team will review your report, follow-up with you via email, and take action on the content if needed.