How do I edit my payout settings?

Skillshare issues teacher payments in USD through Tipalti, a worldwide payment platform that handles multiple payment types. 

In this article:

To learn more about Tipalti, the payment options available to you, processing times, and fees, visit When and how do I receive payments from Skillshare?.

Register for a Tipalti Account on Skillshare

If you’re teaching on Skillshare for the first time you will need to register with Tipalti so you can earn payments from us.

  1. Log in to your Skillshare account.
  2. Click your user profile image in the top right-hand corner of the screen and select Account Settings from the dropdown menu.
  3. Select Membership & Payments in the side menu.
  4. Under Teacher Payments, click the Payment Settings tab (default).
  5. Enter the required information on each form and click Next to save it and move to the next screen.

All four forms — Address, Payment Method, Tax Forms, and Documents — should be correctly and completely filled out. You can confirm that your information was successfully captured when all of the steps in the checklist at the top of the Payment Settings screen are colored blue. You will also receive an email from Tipalti confirming that registration is complete.



Screenshot of a completed payment registration within Payments in your Account Settings. All 4 steps should be colored blue when you’ve successfully completed registration.

Edit Your Payment Settings

You can make changes to your payment settings by following the steps below. We recommend that you update your payment settings before the 1st of the month to ensure your subsequent payment goes through correctly.

  1. Follow the instructions for registering for a Tipalti account above to access your Payment Settings.

  2. Scroll down to the bottom and use the Next button to advance to the form that you need to change. Use the Back button to go back to a previous form.

  3. With the correct form visible, click the Edit button.
  4. Make your changes in the form as you need. When you have finished making changes, click Next to confirm your changes.

Confirm Payment Status

Skillshare sends teacher payments on or around the 16th of every month. Your Payments History page displays all teacher payments paid to date for 2022 (prior years are not shown).

  1. Follow the instructions for registering for a Tipalti account above to access your Payment Settings.
  2. Under Teacher Payments, click Payment History.

For each payment you should see the date it was sent (Approval date), the amount submitted, and by what method — click on the arrow to review further details for each payment.

The status column indicates whether the payment has been Submitted (on its way to you) or Paid (already in your account!). A status message other than Submitted or Paid indicates that we weren’t able to send the payment to you. Please ensure that your Tipalti account settings are correct and reach out to for further assistance.

For questions about registering with Tipalti or to report technical issues with the registration process, reach out to Tipalti directly using this request form. Be sure to use the email address associated with your Skillshare teaching account and reference Skillshare Teachers in the description.

If you need to address incorrect information associated with your Tipalti account, please reach out to

Please note that failing to register with Tipalti, providing any incorrect information, or leaving unfinished steps during Tipalti registration will prevent you from earning any teacher payment from Skillshare. Any teacher payments that you otherwise would have earned during the period in which you fail to register fully with Tipalti will be forfeit.
For questions about the status of a payment or to address a payment error, please reach out to Per our Teacher Rules and Requirements, you have 30 days from the time at which a payment was or should have been made to report any discrepancies — missed teacher payments are not automatically added to your next payout.
