Skillshare is not able to cancel, refund, or manage memberships purchased through the iOS App Store or Google Play.
Additionally, you can contact the app store directly with questions about billing, cancellations, or refunds for your iOS or Android subscription.
- How to request a refund for purchases made in Apple's App store.
- How to request a refund for purchases made in the Google Play store.
For further questions, you can reach out directly to Apple support or Google Play support.
Once you cancel your Skillshare membership, your membership will be active for the remaining days that you have already paid for and you’ll still be able to update your class projects and participate in class discussions. When your membership expires, you’ll lose access to your class videos and any downloadable material provided by teachers at the end of your current pay period, and your membership will not be renewed. You can return at any time.
If you signed up for Skillshare through our website, you can cancel your membership with our guide How do I cancel my Skillshare membership?.