Digital products are tools, resources, and templates developed by creators like you. Reach a new creative audience and help them grow their creative practice by sharing your unique expertise, all while growing a new passive income stream.
Digital products allow you to distribute your content on Skillshare in a brand new way. With digital products, you can:
- Share your unique expertise: Go beyond classes with digital products–from ebooks to templates to brushes, color palettes, guides, and more–that share your specific POV and processes.
- Scale your offering: Fuel your own creative business with a new passive income stream, dedicated to helping emerging creatives develop their own practice.
- Find an audience who’ll love you: Skillshare’s community of global emerging and established creative members is the definitive place to reach a new audience that’s craving what you’re looking to share.
Here’s how digital products work on Skillshare:
- Digital products are hosted on Superpeer, a platform Skillshare acquired in March 2024 to integrate into our existing tools for teachers.
- A digital product on Skillshare consists of one or more downloadable files. You decide what digital products you want to sell on Skillshare, and for how much. Review Create a Digital Product for Skillshare for best practices on developing and pricing your own offerings.
- We allow teachers to sell most types of content within the Skillshare community, but there are some we don’t allow. Read our Content Guidelines for Digital Products for a full overview of what content we prohibit.
- We currently apply a 10% platform fee plus applicable transaction fees for each digital product purchased on Skillshare or Superpeer. Keep in mind that as we establish and evolve this offering on Skillshare over time, the revenue share may change for products purchased via Skillshare. We’ll communicate any changes with you in advance. Take a look at our dedicated article, How do I receive payment for services on Superpeer?, for details on Superpeer’s payout provider, fees, and payout process.
Ready to list and sell your digital product on Skillshare? Check out our instructions for getting set up on Superpeer: How can I sell a digital product on Skillshare?.
We’re actively sourcing digital products from our teacher community in our most-searched topics because that’s where we anticipate the most demand. Head to our In-Demand Topics list to see what our members are searching for.