There might be a few reasons your 1-on-1 Session is not showing up on your teacher profile on Skillshare, or in Skillshare search. Take a look at our troubleshooting guide below:
- Make sure you’ve signed up to teach on Skillshare. Only teachers who have completed Skillshare’s teacher sign up process are permitted to host 1-on-1 Sessions on Skillshare. If you haven’t started that process, you can sign up here! You can expect to hear back from our team within two weeks of submitting your form.
- Make sure you have a class draft on Skillshare. Even though you may only be hosting 1-on-1s on Skillshare, new teachers may need to create a class draft in order to be classified as a teacher in our system. Follow our instructions in the article How do I start a new class draft? to get started.
- Ensure your Skillshare account is connected to your Superpeer account. In Superpeer, head to Account Settings > Integrations to connect your Skillshare account. You may need to do this first before you can begin creating a new 1-on-1 on Superpeer.
- You’ve just published your 1-on-1. It can take up to a couple of hours for a 1-on-1 to be indexed on Skillshare search. If you’ve just made your 1-on-1 visible on Skillshare, give it an hour or two and then refresh the search page on Skillshare.
- Ensure your 1-on-1 Session is allowed on Skillshare. Some 1-on-1 services are not permitted on Skillshare; our Moderation team reviews all content to ensure it meets our guidelines. Check your email inbox to see if your content has been removed.
- Make sure the settings on your individual 1-on-1 Session are correct. The following settings within your 1-on-1 Session need to be true:
- Your session needs to be categorized. You’ll need to select, at minimum, a Service type, Primary expertise, and at least one Relevant discipline.
- Your primary (or secondary) expertise cannot be Other — choose a specific topic area for your 1-on-1 Session.
- Your calendar availability should have at least one day available within the next 15 days.
- Be sure Hide Service from your Superpeer profile page is toggled OFF and Only paid subscribers of your channel can book is toggled OFF.
- The individual service should be toggled ON to make it available on Skillshare.
If after checking the following you're still unable to connect your session please reach out to so we can help troubleshoot!