Build Your Brand Through Your Teacher Profile

Your Skillshare profile is your very own page on Skillshare. It’s an important component in building your teacher brand for marketing your classes as well as establishing credibility and trust with your students.

In this article:

How to Access Your Teacher Profile

From a desktop computer, follow these steps:

  1. Click your profile image in the top right corner of the screen.
  2. Select View Profile (green button).
  3. On the next screen click the Edit Profile button in the top right-hand corner.

From there you can add any content you want: text, images, embedded video content from YouTube or Vimeo, or standalone links. For more detailed instructions on how to edit your profile page, refer to our support article How do I update my Skillshare profile?

Essential Components of Your Profile

Your teacher profile on Skillshare is part of class merchandising, since it contains information about you and your experience and establishes your credibility as a teacher. Keep in mind your profile is visible to students within the Skillshare community as well as outside of it (e.g., through Google and other search engines) so it’s important to fill out that profile before you publish your first class.

At a minimum, you should include:

  • A profile image. Show a friendly face to your potential students!
  • A title. Think of your title as your “one-line bio” or elevator pitch to your students. It appears under your profile image as well as under the title for all of your classes.
  • A short biography. Your written bio is essential for SEO. You can create an “About Me” section on your profile to share professional accomplishments and past experiences. Remember to keep it short and share only the essentials!
  • Links to your website and social channels. Any additional information that you can provide to root your expertise in the topics you teach will give students more confidence in your classes and support SEO.
  • A section for your Skillshare classes. Make it easy for students to find your classes: in edit mode, use the arrow buttons to position this section closer to the top of the page.

Each class section on your teacher profile allows for up to 6 class cards before the See More button pops up, which may make it harder for a student to see or find a class. Feel free to make additional sections for classes and rename them as you wish.

Also, keep in mind that new classes get added to the bottom of a class section by default, so to maximize visibility on a new class, click and drag it to the top of the section.

Optional Components

Some more experienced teachers add additional information to their profile page to help market their classes and brand. As you teach more classes on Skillshare you may also want to consider adding:

  • Selected student reviews that praise your classes and your teaching.
  • A short, 1-2 minute trailer for you and your classes. You can host the video on an external platform, such as YouTube or Vimeo, and embed it into your profile.
  • Custom graphics, such as examples of your work, to add visual interest and extend your brand.
In the greater scheme of things, it’s your teaching that students value most. So it’s better to put your energy into creating and promoting classes rather than building out an elaborate profile page. A simple profile that includes the essentials can be very effective. But no matter what you add to your profile, make sure you organize the content so it’s easy for students to find what they value most: your classes!

Teacher Examples

Here are a few outstanding Skillshare teacher profiles to look at for inspiration.


Top Teacher Don Mupasi’s profile is simple yet effective. He has a short bio at the top with a link to his Instagram account, followed by a custom image featuring some of his animations, before moving to all the classes he’s teaching on Skillshare.



Top Teacher Jake Bartlett specializes in motion graphics, so his profile features a simple animated logo at the top followed by a custom intro video where he provides a summary of what he offers on Skillshare. And right underneath that embedded video are his classes, organized in thematic groups.



Top Teacher Gabrielle Brickey features a staged image of her work and tools at the top of her profile to highlight her brand, followed by a short intro and all of her relevant links. She also uses custom image-based headers to organize each section. Gabrielle’s headers are particularly good examples as they have enough contrast against the background to ensure they remain accessible.


  • Where can I find my referral links?: Use your general referral link to send prospective students right to your profile page and earn additional revenue if they sign up for Skillshare.